What’s unique about Snorkelin?

Maybe at first glance at the product, it’s not so easy to see what’s revolutionary about it. What are the essential benefits that differentiate it from other ways of snorkeling?

unsplash-logoMatt Lamers

Imagine that in the most amazing and beautiful fjord in Norway, you can see the view only from one trail, which is full of sharp stones and bumps. In addition, it is impossible to walk on that trail. All you can do is to run, while trying to avoid the sharp stones and bumps … And while doing so, you are supposed to enjoy the view of the fjord…

Why not just walk slowly along a comfortable trail? And to sit and rest from time to time and enjoy the amazing and beautiful view of the fjord?

So back to snorkeling in the sea. Why not just snorkel in a comfortable, easy, and calm way? And to rest from time to time and enjoy much more the amazing and beautiful view of the sea?

The answer is simple: because before Snorkelin, you couldn’t do it…

Revolutionizing the snorkeling field

Snorkelin is revolutionizing the snorkeling field. This unique snorkel set turns snorkeling from a sports activity into a joyful, easy and relaxing activity. No more bothering about your breathing, buoyancy or fatigue. Move your head freely in any direction, without a clumsy snorkel device on your head, and much more…

Maybe some will say that Snorkelin is big and cumbersome to carry to the beach. But they are totally wrong because Snorkelin is very lightweight, and the buoy weighs next to nothing.

In addition, imagine your friend is going to use his little skateboard to ride a distance of 10 miles on a hilly road on a very hot day. So you offer to lend him your electric bike. But he says: I prefer the skateboard because the bike is big and cumbersome.

The electric bike is not big and cumbersome. Despite its size and weight, it is very light. It saves you the need and the effort of a “cumbersome” long tiring skateboard ride on a very hot day.

That is exactly what Snorkelin does for you while you snorkel in the sea. It saves you the tiresome need and effort of that constant disturbing fussing, in order to breathe. You can completely drop your head, arms, and legs and enjoy the wonderful experience of balanced buoyancy.

Snorkelin is like lying on a sea mattress, but instead of looking at the sky, you are looking at the beautiful underwater view.

In addition, with Snorkelin, you can finally snorkel easily and calmly without physical effort. With Snorkelin, you get more essential benefits that differentiate it from the other ways of snorkeling, like the full-face snorkel mask or the traditional snorkel tube. In the table below, you can see some of the Snorkelin benefits:

Full face snorkel mask
Regular snorkel
Automatically balanced buoyancy
Full breath at every head movement or angle
Without cumbersome device on the head
Completely without water entry
Emptying water easily by hand-lifting, no need for emptying valve
Flip easily and float in rest
Snorkeling easily and calmly in wavy sea
Easy to use, no experience or skill needed

Both products: Snorkelin – Snorkel set Adult and Snorkelin – Snorkel set Young are very easy to use and no experience or skill is needed. They are modular, and ergonomically designed for maximum comfort

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